Targeted support for 12-21 year olds to reduce the barriers to learning, and support achievement in education, and future training and employment .
Beyond-the-classroom learning and activities, with creative experiences that develop capabilities, resilience, self-esteem and collaboration skills.
Reducing barriers to learning and building on strengths to support learner engagement :
Encouraging goal setting and enhancing motivation through a process of aspirational pathway planning.
Supporting the wellbeing of taiohi through connection with a range of wellbeing and counselling support.
Growing connectedness to community, school and peers and enhancing a sense of ‘belonging’ and responsibility through positive relationship building.
Whānau engagement
Actively engaging whānau in supporting the aspirations of their taiohi, including their achievement and attendance.
Challenging negative beliefs
Challenging negative beliefs about learning, and the ability to succeed through positive creative youth development activities, outdoor recreation and motivational talks.
Taiohi Tupuranga supports you to identify your strengths and barriers to engagement in education.
Together we will develop an individual plan to support engagement or increase engagement in your learning journey.
We are committed to helping you gain a clear plan for your future and access support to help you achieve your goals, reach your potential and thrive!
Taiohi Tupuranga includes regular one on one coaching/mentoring sessions and a series of five full day group workshops tailored to your needs.
Building positive and trusting relationships. Creating intentional and ongoing opportunities for ākonga to share where they are from, what is important to them and why.
Providing a safe/empowering space in which ākonga feel accepted / included / valued.
Valuing ākonga and giving them space to participate and to have agency in their lives, their learning, and the decisions that affect them.
Providing taiohi quality information by weaving together different forms of knowledge and enabling ākonga to make positive choices.
Asking ākonga how they learn best and understanding their interests and strengths, finding out what’s working for them and areas for support
Tailoring support for ākonga based on individual and group needs
Providing flexible learning environments, beyond-the-classroom activities, and creative youth development experiences to develop capabilities, leadership, resilience, self-esteem and collaboration skills
Using peer-to-peer approaches and fostering tuakana-teina relationships and approaches
This 10-week programme includes regular one on one coaching / mentoring sessions and a series of five full day group workshops tailored to your individual needs.
Or for more information contact:
Steve Holmes
Youth Development Manager