Useful Links

Mental Health Service: Are you between the age of 12 and 24 and would like someone to talk to?
We are here to help! Our Primary Mental Health & Addictions Service is tailored to the needs of Taiohi and whānau. Call 021 0901 1346 or 0800 ROTO2A. See more about the service here.

Lifeline: , 0800 543 354
Lifeline. Need Help Right Now? Lifeline New Zealand’s telephone counselling service provides 24 hours a day, 7 days a week counselling and support.

The Lowdown: , free text 5626
Youth depression website. Get all the facts and treatment info. Talk to a trained counselor.

Depression helpline:, 0800 111 757 (24 hours)
Counsellors who can find the right support for you.

Youthline: , 0800 376 633, free text 234
Youthline works with young people, their families and those supporting young people. Established to ensure young people know where to get help and can access support when they need it.

Kidsline:, 0800 543 754  (4 – 9 weekdays)
Phone counselling for children 9 – 13., 0800 942 8787 (12pm – 12am 7 days)
Phone counselling for children 5 – 18.

Just The Facts:
Facts about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).

Youth Law Aotearoa:
Free national legal service for those aged under 25 years.

Need to Talk:  Free call/text 1737 (24 hours).
You’ll get to talk to (or text with) a trained counsellor. Our service is completely free.

Health Line: 0800 611 116
Free health advice when you need it 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Safe to Talk:, Free text: 4334, 0800 044 334 (24 hour)24/7 sexual harm information and support helpline.

Family Focus:, 07 346 2096
Helps with Sexual Harm support service, Family violence prevention, Women’s and Whanau Support and Counselling.

Atawhai Abuse, 0800 ATAWHAI (282 9424)
Sexual Harm support service and free counselling.

Are you OK?:, Free phone 0800 456 450
Reducing family violence through attitude and behaviours, helping support families through their journey.

Thats not cool:
Support and advice about Healthy relationships on an interactive website.

ICON- In Case of Online Negativity:
A website with advice on how to tackle online harassment, abuse and or negativity.

In the Know:
In the Know is designed to help young people in Aotearoa better understand and navigate some of the tricky porn-related issues and online sexual experiences. Shaped and informed by young people, the site offers tips, tools and pathways to help youth equip themselves for today’s online world.