Ko paemauka o Tākitimu tōku mauka, Ko Aparima tōku awa

Ko Takitimu tōku waka, Ko Kᾱi Tahu ōku Iwi, Ko Takutai o Te Tītī tōku marae

Nō Ōtautahi ahau, Kai Rotorua tōku kāika I nāianei

Kia Ora my name is Debbie and I am one of the nurses at the youth health centre.

I was born and raised in the South Island and for the last 17 years have been privileged to call Rotorua home.

I spent my 20’ s traveling the world, which I can’t wait to do again, and my 30’s and 40’s being a mum and studying  to become the nurse I am today.

I really enjoy developing Whakawhanuaungatanga (partnerships) with our rangatahi and helping them navigate their way through adolescents.

The youth centre is a really cool place to work and has a great vibe to help you on your journey, I look forward to meeting you soon.