Ko Putauaki te maunga, ko Rangitaiki te awa, ko Mataatua te Waka, ko Pahipoto te Hapu, Ko Kokohinau te Marae, ko Oruataupare te Whare Tipuna, ko Waipuna-a-rangi Te Wharekai, ko Tuhimata te Whenua, ko Tipene Fahey toku ingoa, kia ora e te whanau my name is Tipene and I am a Kaiārahi Youth Mentor here at RYC.

I have worked alongside a wide range of personalities and enjoy seeing our Rangatahi strive for a better tomorrow.

I was brought up in Te Teko, Bay of Plenty and enjoy the outdoors – diving, fishing, hunting, the Warriors/Wahs and just being outside in nature.

My aim as a mentor is to not only work on the interests and strengths of every Rangatahi I work alongside but to develop their knowledge around providing for themselves, whānau, and their communities through mahi kai.

If you see me around RYC don’t be shy to talk to me if you have any questions or need some help as I’m always keen to lend a hand wherever I can.

Nga mihi nui
